I delivered this speech few years ago
(This version is modified for current situation of world) plz read it till last
Respected Teachers and dear friends.
Today my topic is ...
Books: What to read Why to read.....
Books, as a student it seems Burdon... Oh my god who invented this monster...
But as a matter of fact books are the treasure of knowledge. Starting from ABCD to latest technology everything is inside books.
Why to read is little bit easy to answer...like to find out the solution of every question .there are books, to expand the level of thinking, to improve the knowledge and most important to utilise the free time.
But when it comes to what to read? Very subjective term.
Because every coin has two sides. There are lots of useful and most useful materials in books at same time there are lots of useless and most useless materials.
As a school student don’t look at the books which are beyond our understanding. We will have competitive future ahead. So we have to make our self ready with that kind of knowledge which will help us to compete in future.
Subject books are necessary to pass the subject at the same time give knowledge of that particular subject, but the world is so huge. Whatever we are studying in our 6-7 subjects per year is not enough as we are the future of 21st century.
If someone loves school books and specifically a subject you can take a deep reference of that subjects from books. I love CAD CAE and Thermal engineering.
Basic science books, general knowledge books, short wise story books, magazines, comics, humorous jokes, History books so many options are there for us. According to our interest we should start reading from today itself.
If you feel hard to read physical books and love phones or PCs you could toil for E-Books.
And ebooks are even light on pockets it just costs equal to Internet recharge of one month.
And in this world of generous people there are lots of free ebook libraries.
And in this world of generous people there are lots of free ebook libraries.
Studies related books
A huge source of freebooks, books from all libraries
Creator of ebooks from physical books with rights
Creator of ebooks from physical books with rights
open domain books of great writers including novels
open domain books of great writers including novels
National digital library of india
App ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mhrd.ndl )
For ncert books
Android Application
(http://www.ncert.nic.in/NCERTS/textbook/textbook.htm?jesc1=0-16 )
For GSEB books
And of course I have written some
(https://knowledgetohumanity.blogspot.com/2017/03/my-all-articles.html )
Feature full tools to read those books
Moon+ reader android
Sumatra pdf (not just pdf it supports all ebook formats but available only for windows)
( https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org)
So, along with your friends, GF/BF, please enter books into the list of your best friends. Books will give you the gift of knowledge and solution of every easy and difficult situation.
You can contact me at
T.me/FeedbacksKE_bot (telegram id)